Uninstall the feature in the particular site in SharePoint 2010

1.       Deactivate the feature in SharePoint site.

a.       First deactivate the feature which one wants to uninstall.
b.      Site ActionsàSite Settings àManage Site Features (Site Actions Category)àDeactivate

2.       Get the id of the feature.

a.       Find the feature folder in the server
b.      C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES
c.       Open the feature which one you want to uninstall and get an id.

3.       Open the command prompt.

a.       Change the directory path to below:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN
b.      Type the below command: stsadm.exe –o unistallfeature –id {id of your feature}
c.       Example (stsadm.exe –o unistallfeature –id 6d9cd7a5-926a-4f36-8c30-07e50f645a8c)

4.       Force uninstall

a.       If your feature is activate more than the site, then must use the below comments
b.      Type the below command: stsadm.exe –o unistallfeature –id {id of your feature} 


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